Monday, May 26, 2008



Zack graduated from preschool this last week, it is always so much fun to see what they have learned all year and what they will do on the day of the program. Zack decided that he will not have a part but he will sing, he said to the teacher "I won't talk I will just sing" so that is what he did at least he sang, it was so much fun to watch. After the graduation I took him on a special graduation lunch he chose Arby's I was hoping for Applebee's but we went to Arby's, he felt so special that day. It just sunk in that he is my last preschooler and I have been really sad about it and I just wish that Zack would stay this age forever and never grow up and never leave to go to school we have so much fun at home everyday. On Wednesday's we have "movie day" this is when we watch movies and have popcorn and veg all day long and enjoy each other (also wash day, good excuse HUH!). In fact I love my kids ages now and I never want them to change..

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