Monday, June 23, 2008

Fun in the sun!!!!!

Last weekend for father's Day our friends "The Wilson's" invited us to spend the weekend at their Condo in St. George, we love doing things with them, their kids are around the same age as our kids them having 3 boys and 1 girl makes it a perfect fit. They get along great!!! We left Saturday night and arrived a little later than we planned because Kaden had a couple of pretty important games to play so between the U.S. open and kids we tried to fit everything in. They played and played and played some more. We went to the lake and we went swimming in the pool we even got some horse rides in. Then it was time to go home. "We were not ready to go".

We even stopped at Justin's Uncle Lynn's house he lives out by the lake we went to. It was so good to see him Justin hasn't seen him forever, he really likes Lynn it made his fathers day and also made his uncle's. Lynn was great our friends little boy Ryan loves horses and wants to be a cowboy someday so we thought it would be fun to go show him the coolest horses, there was a worker that saddled up his horse and took them for horse rides it was great for the kids. They called him their "Gruncle" for great uncle.

The kids found a friend, they were playing in the field behind the condo as we were looking out the window some of the boys were a little nervous to go into the trees. We were a little nervous thinking that it might have been a rattlesnake so we called for the "THE BIG GUNS" to help so off went Hunter and Darrin to go save the little ones. Zack came home with the look of death and said "I am not going to be a part of what is out there", so he hung around and waited until it was safe. So here they all come with the furious beast "The horny toad". I guess it wasn't so scary.

THANKS TODD AND PAM, we had a blast!!!!

1 comment:

haley said...

that last picture of zack threw me for a loop. i was like "when did my hunter go to play there last"- holy cow! hunter looks just like him!!! and despite what my dad says- there is no way he is justins!!!!!