Monday, June 23, 2008


I wanted to tell you what happened to us on Friday night. We had been at BYU, Kaden's team practices there once a month for his baseball team. We decided to stop and get something to eat and so we decided to go to the Sizzler so off we went, pulled into a parking stall, I was talking to my friend on the phone when suddenly Justin yelled out "there is President Monson" so I hung up the phone
(I don't even think I said goodbye) jumped out of the car and ran over to shake his hand, I asked "can I shake your hand?" and then he asked my name and I introduced myself and Kaden. We proceded to walk in with him and his wife, opened the door to the Sizzler for them, Kaden opened the other door for him, while President Monson was walking through the door he was talking to Kaden about the BYU shirt that he was wearing and talking baseball and President Monson asked what position that he played and he told Kaden that he had played center field in the past when suddenly President Monson grabbed a hold of Kaden's face and told him to watch his ears, Kaden laughed. We proceded to wait in line with him and his wife and his body guard for about 25 minutes having conversations with them along the way. What a humbling experience to know that there is so many places for him to eat and not get bombbarded by camera's and things and he chooses just a regular place like Sizzler having to wait in line to even order I thought that he should'nt had to wait he should have been waited on right when he walked through the door even if I had to do it myself. The neat thing about it was that he didn't get over welmed by people, they knew who he was but had so much respect for him that they left him alone to eat with his wife. It wasn't what I would have thought would of happened. What a privledge it was to experience that with my little son and wishing the whole time that I had all of my kids there to be able to be touched by such a great man. It was hard to hold back the tears everytime we called to let people know what we were doing. I hope that Kaden will always remember how he felt that night, he said that he never wants to take a bath and wash his cheeks ever again and I hope that he knows what a privlege it was that he was that close to the Prophet I know I do.

Well the word spread fast and we had phone calls for the next 24 hours non-stop, and then when we got to church on Sunday everybody knew about it I am pretty sure that they announced in their morning meetings, I thought we would have to get up in Sacrament meeting and talk about it. Every body was touching Kaden like he was a king and what was funny is that he felt like one all weekend, he had to get up in primary and tell all the kids about his experience that he will never ever forget.

You will have to ask him sometime the details.


Anonymous said...

That's so awesome. I think that I would probably jsut be staring at him the whole time. He would have thaought that I was some weirdo. That is so cool though. Sizzlers? How random.

Eric said...

I remember a when I was a young man in California and I met Joseph Fielding Smith. I remember that I was about 8 or 9 years old. That moment of him shaking my hand and touching my white haired head gave me a feeling that I will never forget. I don't know why it makes me feel special even to this day almost 40 years later.
You are so lucky to have met him.
Uncle Eric B.

kaleyq said...

Still get teary-eyed thinking about your experience! What a wonderful memory!! Cute, cute blog! We sure love you and your family!

Molly said...

What an awesome experience! So glad you shared. My kids will love it and be jealous when I tell them! We want to go on one of your hikes with you guys soon! Sounds so fun! Again, what an amazing thing to happen!

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