Hunter is 14 years old and that makes me feel old. I can't believe it has been 14 years since Hunter was just a baby in my arms and the stress I had to go through to bring him here, it seems like just last week. Hunter had a wonderful birthday it was a fun filled day at the Highland Fling, he went Golfing and just hung with his friends and doing whatever boys like to do. We had cake that night at the fireworks and everybody there sang to him. I hope he felt as special as we think he is. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUNTER AND WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!
This picture was the day he got his braces off, don't they look good.
Ten things we love about HUNTER.
* Hunter is my first born and with that comes all kinds of love.
* Hunter is such a good kid and has so many high standards and values.
* Hunter is trustworthy, I would trust him with my life.
* Hunter is a good big brother and is looked up to by his little brothers.
* Hunter and I have a bond like no other.
* Hunter is my prince and treats me like a Queen.
* Hunter is a very hard worker and loves to help were ever needed.
* Hunter is good at everything he does.
* You will never leave Hunter without having a good time.
* Hunter is mine.