Monday, August 18, 2008

First Day of school!!!!!

The first day of school was today and the kids are so excited but nervous, they made it through the day with flying colors and loved every minute. The first week of school is always so much fun, wearing all their new clothes and catching up with all their friends. Zack has another week so we are just having a fun week today we went to see a 3D movie at the Jordan Commons we had a blast, Zack loved being able to bring pizza in to watch the movie. I am going to miss the kids not being home but I love the routine.

My big 8th grader, I have a hard time realizing that I have one big enough to be in Jr. High school that only means I am getting older and I don't feel like it. I know people say that it goes fast and it does and I hate it, I love to watch them grow but I never want them to leave.

How cute are these kids. Shelby was up at 6:30 worrying about being late for school, (she goes to school not at 8:00 but 9:15) she wasn't going to be late. She is in 6th grade now and Kaden in 3rd. They came home loving school, Kaden met a couple new friends, (like always) he always has so many friends around him it is probably because he is so happy and nice all the time.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I love the fall for so many reasons, but especially b/c of the new clothes, school things and the excitement of meeting new friends and starting school once more. How fun those days are! Everyone looks so cute!