Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Sweetest little 6 year old ever!!!!!!

Sunday we came home from church and we were sitting around the counter snacking and suddenly Zack said.

Zack: Mom, is there a job that I can do?
Mom: (thinking) you can go and clean your room!
Zack: OK! and he ran up the stairs with no hesitation and started working away for about 15 minutes.

I started thinking and asked Justin what they learned in primary today Justin couldn't remember either could Kaden or any of the other kids (that's really sad since we just got home). So Justin got his lesson book and looked it up and sure enough it was on helping and in the lesson it had a thing to do like help around the house and when your done leave a heart. So sure enough Zack finally came down and didn't say anything and when I went upstairs later there laying on the bed was a little note from him. I maybe had a little tear, skocker!!

Thanks Zack for being such a good boy and listening to lessons in Primary.


pilatesmommy said...

I'm so glad you found my blog! And I love it when kids do surprising things like this. Now we can keep in touch.....ya!

Natalie said...

send me your email address to so I can add you.

Melanie Anne said...

What a sweetheart! He is so cute!